Carotid Protocol
- All sagittal images to include gray scale, color, and Doppler.
- When carotid plaque takes up more than 50% of the vessel lumen, sample the velocities directly before and after the plaque, and at the point of most narrowing.
- Ideally, use only one angle of insonation (between 45 and 60 degrees) by steering the Doppler beam rather than changing the angle.
- Always sample the center of the vessel with the Doppler angle parallel to the vessel walls.
Scanning Duration: 30 minutes.
Right CCA Prox/Mid/Dist Trans
- (Only the right carotid is demonstrated on this page as an example.)
- Take an image each at the proximal, mid (at the level of thyroid), and distal segments.
Right CCA Trans
Right Vert Sag
- Show the vertebral artery with antegrade flow when it is normal (same direction or color filling as the CCA).
Dual-screen image: One image showing both the vertebral artery and ipsilateral CCA with red color filling.
Right Vert Sag
(Repeat the protocol for the left side)
- Print the worksheet containing measurements.