Scrotum Protocol
Patient Prep
Avoid the "rolled towel between the legs" method. Use a single blanket, when placed underneath the scrotum and over the legs, both supports the scrotum as well as covers the patient. As an added benefit, you can easily pull on one side of the blanket to reposition any internal scrotal structures e.g. epididymis. Steps outlined below:
- The patient is supine, unclothed from the waist down, draped with a gown open to the back, and covered with a blanket over the legs and lower torso.
- Tell the patient to pull his gown up to the groin such that it is still covering the penis, but the scrotum is exposed.
- Uncover the blanket down to the groin, and have him elevate the scrotum or place the scrotum over the blanket.
- Ask the patient to keep his legs close together. The scrotum should now mostly be immobile.
Scanning Duration: 20 minutes, including standing varicocele evaluation.